Auto Insurance Policies Write For Us
Auto Insurance Policies write for us Although different states require different types of insurance and there are several additional options available (such as gap insurance), most basic auto insurance policies include: Bodily Injury, Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Collision, Comprehensive Coverage, and uninsured or underinsured drivers. For Submitting Your Articles, you can email us at
If you own a car and are a law-abiding citizen, you probably have car insurance. And while auto insurance is one of the most common types of insurance, many crudes, and confusing terms go along with it. Keep in mind that each type of coverage price separately, so there are differences in policy limits and prices.
But don’t get overwhelmed by insurance gibberish. And also, My goal is to explicate the three most common types of car insurance without putting you to sleep.
Injury Liability
Liability insurance covers damage caused by you, the named driver or insured, to someone else. You and your family members covered by the policy are also covered if you drive someone else’s car with their permission.
Adequate liability insurance very important because if you are involved in a serious accident, you could be sued for a large sum. It is recommended that policyholders carry more than the state-required minimum federal liability insurance to protect assets such as their homes and savings.
Medical Payments Or Personal Injury Protection
This coverage pays for the treatment of wounds to the driver and occupants of the insured’s car. And also, In its broadest form, PIP can cover medical payments, lost wages, and the cost of replacing services normally provided by a person injured in a car accident. Funeral expenses may also be covered.
Property Damage Liability
This coverage covers damage you (or someone driving the car with your permission) cause to someone else’s property. It usually means damage to someone else’s car but also includes damage to a utility pole, telephone pole, fence, building, or any other structure your car hit.
By collision). Collision insurance pays for injury to your car due to a collision with another vehicle, an object such as a tree or telephone pole, or if it rolls over (note that the damage waiver covers deer collisions). It also covers pothole damage.
Collision coverage is typically sold with a separate deductible. Even if you are responsible for the accident, your comprehensive insurance reimburses you for the repair costs less the excess. If you are not at responsibility, your insurance company may try to recover the amount they paid you from the other driver’s insurance company, and, if successful, you will also be reimburse for the excess amount.
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