Functional Fitness Training Write For Us
Functional Fitness Training is a kind of exercise that focuses on improving movement patterns and physical abilities essential for everyday activities. Functional fitness aims to enhance overall strength, stability, flexibility, and endurance to perform tasks in daily life, sports, or specific functional movements.
Unlike traditional weightlifting or isolation exercises that target specific muscles or body parts, functional fitness exercises include multiple muscle groups and joints working together. These exercises mimic natural movements like pushing, pulling, lifting, squatting, bending, twisting, and carrying.
Functional Exercise:
Take in all four planes of motion: forward/backward, lateral, rotational, oblique)
Works the whole body in a coordinated way (for example, overhead press squats with dumbbells)
Tends to be multi-joint and multi-muscle (eg, swings, push-ups)
Train movements, not isolated muscles (e.g. kettlebell swing vs. push-ups)
Changing from a stable platform to a less stable platform (e.g. from two legs to one leg)
Involves bending and lifting movements (eg, squatting), single-leg movements (eg, charging), pushing movements, pulling movements, and turning movements
5-Tips and Considerations for Functional Physical Training
Practice simple movements rather than complex movements. It’s best to start with a simpler version of a functional exercise, like a snatch, by breaking it up into two separate movements, like the squat and the overhead press.
Train stability before instability. Start by performance push-ups on the floor or on a bench before trying them on a balance board.
Improve technique before adding load and speed. Make sure your body and brain are working in coordination with each other by creating smooth, effortless motion first before adding weight or hurry to the exercise. One of the best ways to do this is to pause for 5 seconds at the weakest point of the movement, followed by 5 normal reps. For example, in a push-up or squat, you hold one rep in the low position for 5 seconds, followed by 5 reps at normal speed (i.e. 1 second up and 1 second down).
Weakness in 20 repetitions or less than 60 seconds. Initially, technique is key, so you should perform the exercise with little resistance for 12-20 reps or less than 60 seconds.
Safety and patience are the keys to success. Impatience can lead to injury. Make sure you’ve improved your technique and given enough rest time to allow your muscles, tendons and ligaments to adapt. Muscles adapt faster (within weeks) than muscles and muscles, which can take 3-6 months to get stronger. Athletes often feel stronger quickly because they can do more reps with the same workload, which means the muscles and jumpy system have improved. However, tendons and ligaments are less irrigated than muscles and grow more slowly. This gives the athlete a false sense of security, thinking they can lift more, sooner than their tendons and ligaments can handle. The result is unnecessary injury.
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